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Pro Se Single Shots- From The Pen Of J. Walt Layne


At 99 cents, my signature series of short fiction ain't no greasy kid stuff. We're off on a roller coaster ride from bad to worse and to the moon and back. Checkumout!!!

Hard Up!

In Hard Up! A Tale of Champion City, the first story in J. Walt Layne’s From the Pen of…, a man with no name and a monkey on his back roll into Champion City in the wee hours. There's no rest for a man in trouble with the mob. Personal demons and dead bodies revisit a man hard up and down on his luck.

I'm another title

Soon something really cool will occupy this space. But not now. Nope, just wait longer.

I'm Walker

I'm a very good dog. I'm not the book you're looking for. It'll be around soon.

I'm a Citrus Mead

Preturbed and not enjoying me? Relaxand wait for the book that will occupy this spot. I'll enjoy myself.

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